I&E is a one semester course designed to introduce AQ freshmen to the writing, reading, speaking, critical thinking, and research skills necessary to ensure success not just 在大学阶段,但在他们的余生. “询问”部分涉及 developing strategies for conducting an investigation to seek information, knowledge, and truth. The "Expression" portion involves developing the skills necessary to explain to others the results of one's inquiry both in writing and in speaking.

The 十大赌博正规平台在线 通识教育 curriculum addresses the student learning outcomes 下面列出: 

  1. 展示在文科学科的能力

  2. Read critically and formulate relevant conclusions (critical thinking)

  3. Demonstrate proficiency in communication (writing, speaking, reading, listening, presentation skills)

  4. 掌握研究和分析技能

  5. Integrate knowledge of diverse perspectives and cultural traditions

  6. Understand the application of theological and ethical concepts in daily life


查询与表达 (GE 101) is an integrated collegiate skills course that introduces students to academic discourse, including writing, reading, research, oral communication, 批判性思维. 这些技能是通过考察当代美国人而发展起来的 诸如种族、阶级、流行文化和性别等问题. 图书馆及电子研究 skills are directly applied as students conclude the course with a research paper. Students must successfully complete this course with a minimum of a C- or better in 订购GE 201.
查询与表达 will seek to meet these goals through the development of specific 技能相关目标. These goals are in line with the WPA Outcomes Statement for First-Year 作文.

  1. The study, practice, and development of specific writing (rhetorical) skills

  2. 批判性思维能力

  3. 批判性阅读能力

  4. Competence in finding and using source materials in order to write interesting and 深思熟虑的研究论文

  5. 在一群人面前讲话时的自信

  6. Confidence in one's ability to think, read, speak, and write critically.



  1. 写作是为了发现和学习

  2. Understand and apply a process approach to writing that involves inventing, drafting, 修改、编辑和校对

  3. 选择,整合,并记录适当的研究材料

  4. Adapt an appropriate voice for a variety of audiences and purposes in writing and speaking

  5. 在写作和口语中表现出批判性思维

  6. 识别和使用有效写作的要素




Students are expected to come to each class with their text(s), having read all assigned material and being prepared for intelligent classroom participation. 学生 miss a class meeting must take responsibility for all material covered.
In case of absence from class or special events, the following policy will be implemented:

  • With four (4) absences, your final grade for the course will fall a full letter grade.

  • With seven (7) absences, your final grade will fall a second full letter grade.

  • 超过这个分数,你的课程将自动没有学分.

If there is a compelling reason why you cannot attend your class, please contact your 提前讲师.
Students will occasionally be required to attend workshops or presentations outside of class. Attendance at these co-curricular activities is required and failure to 出席将被视为缺席. 今年的主要课外活动 将会是 当代作家系列. You are expected to attend one of the presentations in the series during this semester.


评价 will be at the discretion of the instructor and will address the goals 以及本课程的目标. 这可能包括四篇主要论文作业的作品集. Other writing and speaking assignments as well as class participation may also serve 作为评估模式.


The goals and learning outcomes for the course are derived from the standards and guidelines of the National Council of Teachers of English, The Council of Writing Program Administrators (WPA), and the Conference on College 作文 and Communication (www.ncte.org). 这些目标和学习成果也符合 goals and objectives of the 十大赌博正规平台在线 通识教育 Program.

Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty are not tolerated. 参见“学术” Dishonesty" statement in the College Catalog for a full description of the College's policy .

In addition to holdings in the Grace Hauenstein Library, 查询与表达 maintains 资源室(低档). Grace Hauenstein图书馆也订阅了许多 databases (including ProQuest, First Search, InfoTrac, and others) to support academic 研究与学习.


How has the 查询与表达 course benefited AQ students' college experience?

"I&进入大学对我来说是一次很棒的经历. 我的教授强调 阅读和写作对我们班的重要性. 我对阅读从来都不感兴趣 在这学期,我被鼓励多读书. 我的教授,博士. Rumohr-Voskuil, 她特意去找我感兴趣的书. 她的挑战 我需要走出我的舒适区,开始阅读. 甚至在下课之后 my professor would still email me titles of books that I should read and would check 来看看我是否读过它们,并了解一下我对它们的看法.  伴随着阅读 we learned how to use the different resources on campus when writing a research paper. 这成为我在其他课程中使用的重要资产. 我推荐所有的 学生利用I&因为它是E程序的一个很好的跳板 期待其他大学课程.——艾登·安德森,2017届毕业生

"Coming from high school English classes that didn’t prepare me enough for college, Inquiry & Expression definitely saved my life when it comes to college writing. In the class, I was taught the proper way on how to write four major types of papers 我在大学里遇到的问题. I&他帮助我变得更加自信 在我的写作中,不要害怕写作密集的课程. 掌握技能 我从我身上学到&E,我现在在学校写作中心工作,我经常传播 这个词对我多么有益&E代表我.——诺亚·凯洛格,2018届毕业生

“当我进入刑讯室时 & 第一次表达作为一个第一年,我是 被这个名字吓到了.  首先,探究意味着我必须提问和分析 something; what it was, well, I did not know yet.  接下来,我必须创建Expression——make 意思是用笔,纸,还有我的声音.  然而,这个新的I&E class 会涉及到思考吗.  我的教授,博士. 梅丽莎·科尔-史密斯,做了一个永恒的 对我的批判性思维和写作能力的影响&E经验.  她减少 an otherwise scary class to an opportunity to explore thinking through endless forms.  Even with our large class size, we had constructive, discussion-based class sessions, talking about topics such as politics, the Native American struggle in a predominantly 白人社会,甚至阴谋论.  Dr. 科尔-史密斯协助开发 每个学生在整个学期的写作技巧.  最后,我做到了 produce a 15-page about the Beatles, something I wouldn't have been able to do without I&E.  The skills acquired through this course are applicable to all majors and fields of study because 'Inquiry' and 'Expression' are two components everyone uses to explore 人类.——查尔斯·布莱克莫尔,2017届毕业生


“Looking back on my first year of college I am very glad I chose to take Inquiry and 我的第一学期.  它给了我需要改进的信心 我的写作能力.  当我为这学期的课程写论文时,我意识到 我多么有价值啊!&E was for my writing confidence as well as giving me the tools to enable 与写作中心这样的地方建立联系.——贾里德·唐宁,2018届毕业生


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